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An Integrated Perspective

The purpose of this page is to point out certain principals that these ancients understood about the "oneness" of people and the energy-mass connection, that have been forgotten over the years.  We are presenting what may appear to you as a brand new paradigm, but it is in fact thousands of years old.

The Western approach to medicine works like this.  You and your doctor have a common enemy; your disease.  The doctor says things to you like, "Don't worry, we're going to beat this thing".  He is not working for you, but against your enemy.  The holistic approach, if properly applied, is the opposite.  The enlightened alternative practitioner is not doing anything about your dis-ease - (s)he couldn't care less about it.  He or she is working FOR you.  If you are healthy enough, your problems will take care of themselves.

There are many people who think the Eastern Medicines are all wonderful, and that Western Medicine is all bad.  I am PRO doctor, PRO Western Medicine, PRO prescription medicine, etc.  Remember, when Eastern Medicine was the only thing going, life expectancy was 40 years.  (We're going to examine that, and explain why, soon.)   Western Medicine is doing something right! The fact that there exists a competitive attitude between these two modalities demonstrates the immaturity of both of them. 


Monism vs. Dualism

Western Medicine, and Western Philosophy in general, has the concept of "Dualism" as one of its basic underlying  principals.  The great philosopher Rene Descartes was the champion of both dualism - the opposite of monism, and "reductionism" - the opposite of "holism".  The two go hand in hand, and Descartes was so in favor with the church and the establishment of the day, that the dualist, reductionist philosophy he espoused became the model for most everything we do - in the legal, medical, political spheres, as well as many other places.  This philosophy is pretty simple.  It states that your finger is different than your toe.  Your head is different than your foot.  Fair enough.  Makes sense.  The Chinese, the Indians, and I disagree.

You are one self.  Body, soul, spirit, emotion, intellect, ego, id . . . you can slice the parts any way you want.  Ultimately you are the one and only you.  In fact, ultimately, we are collectively just one self, but for the sake of this discussion I won't go there.

If you hurt your finger, your doctor will not look at you past your knuckle.  He'll say, "If the problem is your finger, let's just look at your finger!".  The sages, the rishis (the ancient Indian Wise People), the ancients, and I say, "The problem is your SELF.  Let's look at your self."  According to this view, there is no such thing as physical health in the absence of mental, spiritual, emotional health.  The concept of hauling your physical body to the body mechanic, your emotional body to the "shrink", your spirit to the preacher is bizarre. 

Go to church, go to the doctor, go get therapy.  But don't believe any of them if they try to tell you what they are "selling" works in a vacuum.

The more you integrate or unify, the healthier you become.  The more you realize viscerally that you are only one part personally, and a part of a greater whole collectively, the more you become complete, vibrant and alive.  The more you dis-integrate and "split" (Think of phrases like "my mind tells me no but my heart tells me yes", "I'll regret this later", and " "I know better, but . . ." )  The more you set yourself up for pathology.

But there is another paradox.  To be healthy, you must integrate, but you must also disassociate.  These words are not opposites, even though they seem so at first glance.  As soon as you realize that your head is the same as your foot, you then begin to realize that, ultimately, you are not this body; you are not this mind.  Below that is a more fundamental and permanent essence.  I'm getting a little bit esoteric, so I won't go into this any deeper.  The "take home lesson" is that while you are one integrated unit, your body and mind are to you, something like the wave is to the ocean.  The wave rises and falls, appears and disappears, but is essentially not a wave at all - it is ocean.


Eastern Medicine:  Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine

All of the ancient eastern healing systems were based upon holism and monism.  They had to do with lifestyle and diet; not only your physical diet, but your diet of thoughts.  The two modalities we are still familiar with today are Traditional Chinese Medicine - which includes acupuncture, but other things as well, and Ayurveda, the oldest health care system on earth.  But there were plenty of others.

Western medicine began to learn about the body by cutting open prisoners and dissecting them, or by cutting up dead people to learn about living ones.  Eastern mystics and physicians, realized that there was something in living people that was no longer present in dead people, and so were not so interested in dissection.  Besides, they considered the body to be sacred; therefore cutting up bodies was obscene.  So they made all of their observations watching live bodies in motion, by looking at what things we put into bodies, what things come out of them, and so on.

Eastern modalities were concerned with circulation and flow.  If visible blood needed to flow though every part of us to keep us alive, then there must be an invisible something that flows, too.  That's the something that leaves us when we die; an unseen but very real energy.  The Chinese called it "chi" - the Indians called it "prana".  It doesn't matter what you call it - it's all the same.

Western medicine still can't define what it is that is in us when we are alive, but is what leaves us when we die.  Because we now live in a reality of microscopes and double-blind studies, we must conclude that if we can't see it and reproduce it in a lab, it cannot exist.  A surgeon can cut you open all day long and look for prana or chakras, or nadis - (s)he won't find them.  Later he can cut open the stereo and look for the violin player, or cut open the cell phone and look for the little person talking to him.  He won't find them either.  Nor will he find love, peace, goodness, anger, fear, frustration, kindness, virtue . . . do they exist?



Mass = Energy

Seven thousand years ago, sages and wise people understood that there is no difference between mass and energy.  However, by the time of Christ, this was essentially regarded as witchcraft.  In the 19th century, you would have been written off as a nut for saying that mass and energy were the same thing.

Then this fellow named Einstein came along . . . and proved it.  It shook the very foundations of our understanding of the universe.  Einstein effectively validated, updated, and explained most of the loose ends left by another great genius, Isaac Newton, who laid out the laws of the universe in the 16th century like no one had done before him.  Einstein, by the way, was a poor to average student who didn't make good grades because he questioned everything. 

Energy always moves mass.  Ask anyone who has ever seen a bomb go off.  Watch video of a tornado.  When the energy cuts loose, moving the mass is easy.  Einstein's dilemma was harnessing this energy so that it could be used not just to blow stuff up, but to create some order out of chaos.  

This introduces the topic of the second law of thermodynamics, which is concerned with a concept called "entropy".  Entropy means that together things fall apart, but apart things don't fall together.  Imagine dropping a glass.  You get hundreds of broken pieces.  But if you drop hundreds of broken pieces, you'll never get a glass. 

So now we know that mass = energy.  So what's the problem?  Einstein died at a point where the destructive uses of his work outweighed the positive uses.  This is because even given a brand new way of looking at things, people viewed them with the same old eyes.  Old habits die hard.  The medical profession is largely based on Cartesian (that is, from Rene Descartes' philosophies, mentioned above)  physics, and you still get Cartesian answers to the problem.  If this were the case in other walks of life, we'd still be reading by candle light.  Even though modern medical instrumentation (i.e. MRI, PET) is based upon Einstein physics, the conclusions drawn are placed into a Cartesian model.   The work that we will do connects to the energy that Einstein "discovered" and that the ancients, the Ayurvedic doctors, and the Chinese doctors understood but could not master.    As wise as he was, Einstein left an important variable out of the equation; consciousness - when we figure out how consciousness fits in, we may just understand everything!

So the more we go forward, the more we go back.  Some would have you believe that the work I do is a 7000 year throwback.  I believe that the information above shows this work to be ahead of its time, not behind it.  But really, none of that is important.  What's important is that if you are sick, I can help you find your pathway to health.  If you are healthy, I can make help you become more healthy. 


Energy Healing Page Three discusses how you are mostly holes and empty space, and how each cell of your body contains the same "memory" ingredients as your brain.

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Page 3 - Each Cell of You Contains All of You


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