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Look for God Everywhere. 

You'll find God Everywhere You Look.


This page contains some practical advice about how to feel better, live longer and happier, and improve the quality of your life, even if you never care to come to me or go to a doctor.  The underlying theory here is that we bring many of our problems upon ourselves.

You may read this, and think, "Just who do you think you are?  Who are you to tell me how to run my life?"   Nobody.  But it's not that one great thing you in your life that counts, it's the hundred seemingly miniscule things that you think and do every hour; every moment.  This is what shapes you.  If you are happy, this maintains and sustains your happiness.  If you are sad, this is what puts you there and keeps you there.  Then you get sick.

Be happy.  Be well.



If you've been diagnosed with a particular disease . . .

  1. Get into denial . . . quick.  Do not let yourself believe the limitations that friends, doctors, society and your logical mind will place upon you.

  2. Think less about making your disease smaller and weaker, and more about making yourself bigger and stronger.

    1. Spend less time “beating the disease” and spend more time focusing on how wonderful you are.

  3. Realize that you are big, and that you are the beloved child of a loving Universe who wants you well.

    1. People around you (maybe even your doctor) will tell you that there is this mighty disease. It will have a mighty name. You are just a weak, timid thing. They create the scenario, "you must fight and fight; but this mighty thing will eventually squash you like a bug". They will be upset if you don't believe them. Don't believe them!

  4. Question your doctors.  Get second opinions . . . but ultimately, do what they tell you and follow their advice.

  5. Determine what you believe you can do, and what you believe you cannot do.  With the things you can do, do them.  With the things you cannot do, work to see why you accept that limitation, then work to reject it.

  6. Do not be rational.  Never surrender.

  7. Tell yourself you are 100% healthy, and around people, always behave as though you are.  See if you can keep anyone from guessing that you could be sick. 



Life Advice

  1. Lighten Up - Don't take yourself so seriously.

  2. Question Everything - but not in a cynical manner.  It's alright to question even God.  Regardless of what some TV preachers would have you believe, God (however you wish to envision Him/Her/It) is neither insecure nor petty.  Real things, when they are really real, only become more evident the more they are challenged.

  3. Do not accept gifts that obligate you to the giver.

  4. Do not offer gifts if you expect the receiver to have any obligation of any kind toward you.

  5. Be nice to people you don't care for.  Say only nice things to them, and about them to others.

  6. Make a firm commitment to stop being a pain in the butt to waiters, counter people, service industry people, etc.  Don't be condescending or grouchy.

  7. If you are pleased with the service, tip your waiters and waitresses well.  If you are not so pleased, tip them well anyway.  If you cannot afford to tip generously, or if you're not in the mood to, don't go out.  (No, I have never been a waiter.)

  8. Make a firm commitment to stop gossiping and talking about people behind their backs.  

  9. Read "Thought Power" by Swami Sivananda, and realize the effect you negative thoughts have upon you, those around you, and the universe in general.  Realize as well the good you can do for yourself, those around you, and the universe in general just by letting go of poisonous thoughts.  To find books by Swami Sivananda, go to my Healthy Links Page.

  10. Do yoga.  Meditate.

  11. Be very wary and cynical of those who call themselves healers. . . . What?  Did you read that right?  Yup.  The world is full of freaks and oddballs who want to take advantage of your gullibility.  Don't go chasing after every chakra-spinning weird-o with a good line.  Trust everyone, but cut the cards. 

  12. If you don't have a pet, get one.  If you don't want an animal, get a bird.  If you don't want a bird, get plants.  But get something that you can love and nurture; something other than yourself that you can deeply care for; something that requires effort on your part.

  13. Realize that the last 10 times that you really got angry and lost your temper, it was over STUPID stuff every time.

  14. Realize that anger is weak, sick, and pathetic 99% of the time, and that every time (100%) you lose your temper you are weak, sick, and pathetic.  Then resolve to be strong, and healthy, and  noble.

  15. When you're in a bad mood, or having a bad day, see if you can keep anyone else from noticing.

  16. Do not allow your self to be upset about this list (or nearly anything, for that matter) for over a minute or two.



If you would like to read some questiions and answers (Some smart ones, some dumb ones, some silly ones and so on . . .),click HERE
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